i am 22 years old. i work at outback steakhouse in the infamous "villages," where i sell my soul regularly to retired senior citizens in the area for a good tip. i've written enough of these mini life stories to know that the basics, to you, are probably all that matter. nice to meet you.

so guess what movie i watched a few hours ago? yup, the dark freaking knight. me and ben were joking about putting the "why so serious" on my face, so i had to. (click image to enlarge)
i thought it was pretty good. i like movies with really crazy characters, because then i feel normal again. i just have a funny (funny-weird, not funny-haha) way of expressing it.
the movie theater is my therapy and the guy at the door only charges me like $8 per session. i'm starting to feel awake again. like i'm back in control... oh god, i feel the ending narration in wanted starting to kick in.
but really, i'm going to start doing things for myself. and stop. just stop. i am not crazy. there is nothing wrong with me. i start this new, self proclaimed, sane way of life now, with this weird ass picture.
isn't it ironic?
Labels: movies, photoshop

when my car first stopped working, i didn't mind so much. i pretended that i was juno and i walked everywhere when i couldn't borrow my parent's minivan. a month later and it's starting to get to me, so i'm having a mechanic come check 'er out this week.
carpooling to work and walking short distances from outback to target, cvs, and Chic-fil-A was fun the first 2 weeks. i felt like the bus boy, tyler, who rides his skateboard everywhere and i noticed things that i wouldn't have noticed if i was driving. BUT I'VE SEEN IT ALL NOW, and i just want to drive past it... in my car.
i got my first car when i was 18. i paid $400 for it. i loved it. it never broke down, and i sold it for $400. good times.
Labels: car, ghetto, movies
my life is starting to feel like a scene from a movie. if a scene from lost in translation got together with a scene from garden state and had a baby, this scene would be my life right now. i feel like there is so much going on around and inside me that i'm tired of acknowledging, so i don't. numbness has temporarily taken over. someone, like natalie portman, will either come along and snap me out of it or get some serious emotional and verbal diarrhea when it finally, and it will, comes out.
on a higher note, i watched pineapple express tonight. i've had better.
Labels: emo, movies
taboo is by far the greatest game ever created. (card/video games excluded) in the last week or so i've played this game for hours with melissa, ron, savina and ben. me and savina were the best team, by far. not only are we best friends, but we are sober on a regular basis.
Labels: fun
why? because i was having some problems with wordpress. it wouldn't let me design things the way i wanted to. and as you can see, blogger does. i even got locked out of my wordpress software for like an hour, but that was my own stupidity.
my need to constantly change the design of my blog sometimes keeps me from writing. i've always been that way. when i was 16 all i did was create new layouts and write a blog about the layout. for some reason, things that have nothing to do with writing keep me from the act itself.
not that i would have written much lately anyway. i've been too busy bottling it all up. winner winner, chicken dinner.
Labels: geek, random