pisces - daily extended
"You love having options, but today the choices are so varied that you are probably going to feel a bit overwhelmed by them all!"well that's a understatement. i love options so much that if my phone of the month let's me change "display themes" i rotate them almost daily.
"Just don't panic and make a snap decision because you think that someone's starting losing patience with you. If you do, you will only end up going back on it a few days later when new facts come to light."i think i've learned my lesson on this one more than once. new facts always come to freaking light because i'm apparently attracted to liars.
"Take your time today. Only when you take a good long look at how all your options might play out will you know exactly what you need to do next."i have nothing but time. i'm waiting for my tax return and blasphemous car to get fixed for the third time this month. patiently? trying.
August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 February 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009
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