i am 22 years old. i work at outback steakhouse in the infamous "villages," where i sell my soul regularly to retired senior citizens in the area for a good tip. i've written enough of these mini life stories to know that the basics, to you, are probably all that matter. nice to meet you.
So I've come to the conclusion that during the accident I got a concussion. (Say that ten times fast)
As soon as my body started feeling better I think I lost my mind. But my days of being dizzy, confused and staring into space like a mosquito to the light are soon to be over (I hope).
Do you know what happens when you're stuck in a state of confusion while serving tables at a restaurant? People get angry!
I'm feeling "sharper" today. I even had enough brain power to write this and send it. I don't know how many text messages, tweets, or emails I started to write and forgot about.